Number Ranges
ITR are Ofcom registered telephone number providers.
About UK phone number ranges:
When you make a phone call, the cost of the call is determined by the type of phone number you call. It can range from nothing at all on freephone 0800 numbers through to £1.50 per minute on certain premium rate numbers starting 090. Exactly how much each call costs depends on who bills you, which could be BT, a mobile company or another provider such as Virgin or even Skype.
It is bordering on impossible to get any one of these companies to give a complete listing of the prices for every number range, so the descriptions in this web page are general guides based on certain BT prices. Your pricing may vary.
What phone numbers do we have?
We provide a vast array of non-geographic telephone numbers (NGNs) geographic (local) phone numbers for towns and cities all over the UK, and even the new 03 numbers that are used by government departments and charities.
If you’re looking further afield, we can supply international freephone (so people in selected other countries can call you for free), Irish numbers (including local numbers for Dublin) and can help you set up services to receive calls from other destinations if that’s what you need.
What are the benefits of choosing the right number ranges?
The flip side of paying for phone calls is that the money the caller spends is divided up by those who are involved in handling and answering the call. In the case of the freephone 0800 number mentioned above, the owner of the number has to pay the cost involved for BT and then us to get the call to them. In the case of the one that costs the caller £1.50 a minute, the situation is reversed and the owner of the number will receive most of that money.
Clearly there is an important business decision to make: Do you want your callers to be able to call you cheaply (or even for free), or do you want the phone calls to cover the costs they incur or be a source of income?.
We can also offer geographic number ranges, which are phone numbers in particular local area codes like 0161 XXX XXXX as a Manchester number or 0121 XXX XXXX as a Birmingham one. If you want your company to have a local touch – even if you’re not in that area – having phone numbers like these might be useful to you.
We can offer you advice to allow your company to choose its numbering policy. There’s far more to say on the topic than just this web page, and the type of number your customers use to contact you may well be what determines their first impressions.
What can I do with the number?
The phone number is the very start of the process. Once you’ve got a phone number, or two, three or several hundred, you need to choose what it does. For this, see our range of call routing and IVR services. You can install as many numbers as is required onto a single service, which is especially useful for measuring the response of different marketing methods.
Freephone Numbers
0800 & 0808 Ideal for sales lines. Let your customers contact you free of charge from a UK landline. Beware these numbers are not free of charge from mobiles, so you may like to offer a mobile alternative, like an 03 (see below).
Flat Rate Numbers
0844 & 0843 Perfect for customer service lines and technical support. Caller pays 5 pence per minute at all times. We either provide the numbers to you for free, or with a rebate depending on your volumes.
Lo-Call Rate Numbers
0845 Variable lo-call rate to the caller. Low cost to our customers. Give your business a national identity with a locally charged number. Common with customer service lines.
Geographic Network Numbers
01 & 02 A great choice for multi-sited companies and to give your company a local feel. IP3 can provide all regional codes across the UK. These numbers are also cheap for your customers to call from their mobiles, and often included in any free minute packages they have with their provider.
UK Wide Non-Geographic Numbers
03 & 030 Same cost to the caller as a geographic number (01/02) but is included in mobile & tariff minutes. Perfect replacement for an 08 number where more calls are received from mobile numbers.
Number Porting
We have porting agreements with the main networks across the UK so porting your 08 number with us is a quick and simple process. The porting process normally will be completed within approximately 30 days.
Having instant access to online statistics, live wall boards, call recordings etc.. And the ability to allow our clients access to view our performance on their lines has been a vital element in our continued success.
Answer-4u have been working alongside Intelligent Telecoms Routing for over 8 years now and the constant development of their portal has fundamentally given our business a huge USP in our market place.
Customer Service Director at Answer-4u
Intelligent Telecoms Routing have trained us in building and using their cloud based IVR’s , we are fully in control and can route calls to any of our local and international sites as business dictates.
IT Manager
'For over 10 years Intelligent Telecoms Routing have been our chosen provider of switchboard software, and have helped us to grow as a business through listening to our needs and working closely with us.
Intelligent Telecoms Routing provide a reliable service, undertake continual development and innovation with their systems to benefit their customers and deliver their service with a friendly, customer focused approach.’Senior Manager, Car Take Back
The team at Intelligent Telecoms Routing have provided a great, intuitive platform which allows me to route calls to any number I choose. This gives me great confidence as in the event of a disaster, calls can quickly be directed to another location!
They took time out to understand my needs and gave recommendations on how to setup the system which allows me to manage it myself going forwards.
They are always on the end of the phone when I need anything clarifying and respond to emails in a quick and efficient manner.
Head of ICT, sk:n Limited
We have been customers for over 9 years and I have always found Intelligent Telecoms Routing to be a company you can trust with your communication needs.
They have an innovative approach to finding solutions tailored to your specific requirements and will deliver them to a coordinated plan.
The team at Intelligent Telecoms Routing have assisted ROM Group through some challenging projects where delivery and quality were of paramount importance.
I feel we have a partner that understands what I need and what my Business needs.